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Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm


Gulbju iela 35

Riga, Latvia, LV-1004

Gulbju iela 35

Riga, Latvia, LV-1004

Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm

Why are motor skills so important?
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Why are motor skills so important?

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Fine motor skills are used to perform precise actions such as “grabbing tweezers” (using the thumb and index finger) to manipulate small objects. Mastering fine motor skills require the development of muscles that are smaller than the ones used for gross motor skills.

Fine motor skills play a critical role in the development of your baby. They are directly related to the development of speech, for instance. Additionally, in the future, the child will also require these skills in order to draw, write, dress, etc.
In addition to these fundamental skills, fine motor skills also affect the development of the following:

  • independence and self-sufficiency;
  • perseverance;
  • thinking processes;
  • logical thinking;
  • confidence.

Formation of motor functions, including subtle hand movements, happens during the child's interaction with the world around him, which is full of various objects. And here our developmental toys are to help, namely Busy Cubes and Busy boards, to attract the attention of a child we use the most entertaining developmental elements which parents often do not allow to play within everyday life - keys, locks, drawers and switches, but yet these objects are so interesting! :)

We also suggest that you play together as it is a great chance to establish a special connection between a parent and a child, discover common interests and strengthen the relationship. Teach the child to push coins through the holes, open locks, doors and windows, learn numbers and colours, show how to distinguish between various animals.

Develop motor skills from an early age with Boobo Toys and turn this process into an exciting and fun game!